Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A message from the fish

Dear Mr talking Horse,

T'is a nay i'm afraid dear fellow!! [I'd invited him to come see a murmuration]
But would like to say that - yay - tis an amazing sight!! If I may regail you....
Twas Early January on a lovely clear evening that I was driving from Hampshire to Aberdeen and was roughly Lake District area when the witching hour did'th fast approach'eth, whence did I see, with mine own two eyes, yon cloud on the horizon, and did suppose to one's-self, there t'was a bit of a breeze in the air, as yon cloud did appear to be quite light on it's feet!!
Buy nay!! As one's-self did fast approach'eth (as fast as one can in a crappy old 1liter Micra, you understand!) yes, er - As one's-self did fast approach'eth, twas struck with dumb as yon cloud was erratically changing dirction, twas then i noticed the most wonderous sight of a cloud about 10 times bigger than the aforementioned - alot lower and incredibly more stunning than any sky ad!!
As i was engrossed with awe at this fantabolism unfolding before me, t'was trundling along and looking up to grab my last view before i passed beneath them, when - plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink!

T'was then that my vision was severly impared by a thousand little shits!!

so ended the wonderous event - in quite literally - a rain of shit!!



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